Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Who has escaped!?

Here are some of the people I, Jason (the Squid) have photographed. : )

Skate or Die

So, it's been a while since I have been skating, and since my birthday
just happened and my friends and I went to the Roller Odyssey for a
min birthday party thing, we've been going more often. It's great
fun. : ) I want to take some photos there while skating. It could
be really cute and fun.

I've been keeping rather busy with photo shoots and been photographing
some new models. I am feeling like it's about time to expand my
studio equipment some, but just need some funds. With Christmas and
trying to save to move, finding available fundage is difficult. It
will be nice to get the extra lighting and such. I really like the
control of a studio setup, and the results. :)

I'll be updating on this blog soon, the list of Disney Pin-up
characters that will be available for models to choose, or be chosen
for. There is about 30 characters as of now, and it will be a
daunting task, but well worth it. There is a lot of potential here.

I'll be stepping up the advertisements pretty soon, as to get
JailBreak out there a bit more. Currently it's all been word of mouth
or me physically talking to people. I really do believe that word of
mouth is the primary driving force in the valley I live in. So we'll
see I suppose.

I'm in the process of redesigning the layout/database of the JailBreak
website. It's always been a placeholder for the bigger picture I've
had for the site, but now I just need to get it done and done right.
Hopefully the people I've been talking to can handle the task and
handle it effectively. :)

For the remainder of today it will consist of: Get off work from
graphic design job, have meeting with model at 6pm. Pick up the Shark
from work, Christmas shop with Ashley, and probably edit photos up
until my meeting.

Also, I have to develop a solid pricing structure very soon. Packages
and options.

With extensive background in digital imaging / photo manipulation, I
am trying to decide the best way to market that as well. Hmm..

*Think, think, think..* ~ Winnie the Pooh.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sam and Katie

I've recently had a change in my schedule that allows me to have a lot more free time.  It's been really nice to be able to pour myself into my work a little bit. Especially when I see results that I am pleased with. : )

I recently photographed Samantha and Katie together.  It was my 3rd time photographing Sam and first time photographing Katie.  They are both beautiful girls and are extremely fun to just be around.  I will be planning another shoot very soon with them.  This next one will be a bit more silly and fun. 

Here are some of the photos from the most recent shoot I did with them.  Let me know what you think. :)

Sam's Model Mayhem can be found Here