Friday, July 30, 2010


Last night I went out with Ashley and her boyfriend to his parents
house to have some BBQ food and to take some photos and visit.
Nothing planned really, just of the kids playin' and stuff. There are
some fantastic photos of the children that would not continuously hide
from the camera. lol
Before leaving Ashley and I had a conversation with Dustin's mother
about possibly volunteering our photography services to the local
adoption agencies to take quality photos of the children and their
families. I am very interested in doing this. I think we could
really provide something that these families will truly be thankful for.
I don't recall being told the name of the agencies that we may be
doing this for, but once learned I will definitely provide better
information and links.
This weekend I will be camping with Ashley, some friends, and her
mom. I am very excited about this. :D I will be photographing nature
and stuff. Also experimenting with photo techniques and just playin'
Hot summer has been hot. Looking forward to jumpin' in the lake.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend Progress

This weekend was almost surreal to a certain extent. Both Ashley and I
were dumbfounded that we did not have anything we HAD to do! We both
kept mentioning to each-other that it feels like we are needing to be
somewhere or need to finish something quickly.. But the fact was that
we had no formal responsibilities! It was a chill, relaxed day where
Ashley, Dustin, and I hung out and just took it easy. We hid indoors
during the day due to the horrendous heat wave going on. Air
Conditioning is glorious.
Throughout the weekend I caught up on photo editing, not completely,
but accomplished a lot. I am still debating on if I want to use to host the photos for proofing and such, or If I
want to use another service. I am still debating at the moment..
The next couple days will be busy for me, but after that I want to
book some photo shoots. Even if it is just going to peoples houses
and doing something there.
Our "local" Anime / Cosplay convention is coming up soon. I am
considering booking photo shoots for people who want them. But I
become exhausted when I do that, and I sacrifice a lot of con time and
time with friends to fulfill these private shoots. Maybe I will book a
couple and that will be it.
I was thinking that this year I would just peruse the convention and
ask people whose cosplay I liked for private shoots. We'll see I
On a personal note, I have been doing cardio everyday and muscle
training as well. I want to be more fit and am working towards that
This heat is horrible. I want to go swimming.. I may do that later.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


First off, this is my first attempt at updating using email. So, last
night at Shenanigan's Irish Pub in Southern Oregon, they were holding
a Last Band Standing event, I saw Indubious play live. They played
fantastically, had a great stage presence, and just plain rocked the
place. ^_^
Anyways, I photographed them playing and will be posting
some of those soon. Probably tonight. In fact, my goal this evening
is to get some photos up and out there.

I recently received my new ring flash adapter and my backdrops and
will be doing studio stuff very soon. Also, I will be contacting some
models that I haven't had time to photograph lately. Yeah, boooy-yeeee

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Whistles Go ~ WOOOO!

Blammo! Let's get this rollin!  Currently I am changing the old JailBreak Photography site to be easier to manage and more sociable. The primary focuses will be communication, sharing, and a sort of streamlined planning-to-purchase process.

Ashley and I recently photographed our friends Ben and Jenna Barrett's wedding.. Only problem was that we were in it as well! I was the Best Man and Ashley was the Brides Maid. We still managed to take some fantastic photos and after the whole exhaustion was done with, we were thirsting for more!

So, soon this blog will be fully functional and we will be photographing more instead of planning marketing, advertisements, pricing structures, scheduling, yadda yadda yadda. 

 (The photo was us afterward, late at night in front of a paradox)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Engagement Photos - Benna!

Just a few personal favorites from my engagement session with Ben and Jenna! :) Can't believe these kiddos are getting married in two days!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Busy Week!

JailBreak Designs are prepping for their first Wedding event! It happens to be for good friends, Ben Barrett and Jenna Streetman. The wedding takes place this Saturday, July 17th, at 7pm. Should make for some awesome sunset photos!

But there's one problem...

Both of us are IN the wedding! Jason is Ben's Best Man, while Ashley is one of Jenna's Bridesmaid's! D:

During the actual ceremony, family members are taking the photos. We will be photographing all events before and afterward, as well as photographing Ben and Jenna alone, as well as with their families, and their respective bridal parties. Should be a great experience, all around! Although both of us will be working double time, both as photographers, and as friends. :)

This will be JailBreak Designs first collaberative photography event, and we're really looking forward to it!

Saturday, July 10, 2010