Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time'sa Wastin'

I have 7 more days in the town that I was born and raised in.  Aside from moving around Southern Oregon and travelling on vacations.. I have never really left this area.  I am nervous about what the future may bring.
I'm finally establishing a fan base and a respective base of clients..  But Long ago, I felt I outgrew this location.

My move to Portland, Oregon will follow directly behind the Seattle, Washington Anime convention SakuraCon. I've booked private shoots, and although I don't prefer spending my time at the con panicking and running around trying to organize private shoots, but I do love to give people who want it the chance to have quality photographs of their hard work. :)

The money I earn from SakuraCon shoots will try and cover the cost for the convention as to not tap into my moving fund. So thank you if you have purchased a private shoot with me. <3

Ashley Anderson (the Shark) is progressing in Portland very, very nicely.  When she is famous someday, I hope she keeps me in her thoughts. ;)

Check out her photography blog that shows her progress.  Keep a close eye because she is exploding with talent.

These are some photos from my first-step adventures in Portland.  When I came to view my place before renting.

I Love Portland, Oregon - Images by Jason DeSomer

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SakuraCon and Changes!

Hello all,

SakuraCon 2011 is coming up mighty quick! My other half of JailBreak Photography has moved on up to Portland, Oregon and is patrolling the waters.  Best of luck to Ashley Anderson, the Shark.  You're going to blow minds up there! See you soon!

With that in mind, I may be up there within a few weeks as well. In that time frame before SakuraCon and the move, i am having a $75 Leaving Town special.  Here is the flyer:


JailBreak Photography ( is up and running.  I am still solidifying the site, so there are some hiccups, but it's well on its way. : )

Here are some photos from JailBreak from SakuraCon 2010.

Cosplay - Images by Jason DeSomer