Sunday, May 29, 2011

Upgrades to Equipment and Life

Moving to Portland has already been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

I've just received some new equipment that will allow me to be more creative and capable with my photography.  I'm very excited about this. :)
I recently posted an ad on Craigslist in hopes to do some trade work with local models in the area.  I don't fully believe that I need to expand my portfolio in some areas, but this is a really great way to get the JailBreak Photography name out there and make some new clients and contacts.

Someone there

I'm hoping to make some contacts with a variety of clubs and night life here.  I believe that to be a strong point for myself.. at least in the sense of me knowing what to do and how to capture people having a good time.
I would like to set up some places as a couple times a month, but am totally willing to be creative with these businesses. Such as: Trading advertisement, trading services, comped drinks, Admission to events, etc, etc.

I photographed a rave recently.  It was very fun and I look forward to being hired to photograph some more of these events.  :)

I've also been doing the best I can to grow as well. Finding the creativity and inspiration, breaching the walls that have existed from being in such a small town, enjoying life in general and seeing ahead with a smile. I really am happy to be here and look forward to how I grow in my photography. 
It's been great photographing and hanging with Ashley as well. It works out well that we both feed off each others creativity.  During the recent apocalypse we photo adventured and saw Back to the Future on the big screen at the Bagdad Theater in Portland, Oregon.

That was heavy!

Until next time. ^_^

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 1 in Portland, Oregon

Today marks my first week in Portland.  Let me tell you some of the things that have happened so far..

From the moment I got her I have been taking photographs of the city and life in the city.  I've explored and hung out with Ashley on a regular basis. We both have plans to bring JailBreak Photography to life up here in the land of ports. (More on that soon)

Great photos of me by - Ashley Anderson

I met up with my friend Jonathon at a couple of his gallery exhibits. He does fantastic work. He bought me a few beers as he schmoozed onlookers and as I took photographs.

This weekend some friends from Southern Oregon came up to see Coheed in Cambria at the Roseland Theater. Because of my, move and the expenses of moving, I was unable to go.. I thought.. Ashley said she would buy my ticket for me to go if I paid her back.. Well, they were sold out.  There were scalpers.. But we had no cash.
Out of random chance, the guy in front of us in line overheard and said, "You guys need a ticket?" and I was like.. "Yeeeah.."  Then he whips a ticket out of his pocket and gives it to me.
Thank you Thomas.  That is just some fantastic icing on this cake of awesome.

So, I saw Coheed last night, being unfamiliar with most of their music, I was truly enjoying their performance. They are extremely talented and am looking forward to listening to them now.  Apparently they played the full first album in its entirety.  ..Along with Acoustic sets.  3 Hour show.

My house is set up for the most part, as well as the photography room.   Now I just need models and people who want me to photograph. ;)

Wonder what this upcoming week will bring.